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Frequently Asked Questions
What constitutes medical cannabis?
Medical cannabis encompasses the utilisation of cannabis plants and their extracts for therapeutic purposes, primarily featuring compounds like THC and CBD. Should you qualify, we at Script Assist are dedicated to streamlining your journey to obtain a medical cannabis prescription, making it both convenient and hassle-free.
Is the use of cannabis for medical purposes legally permissible in the UK?
Indeed, medical cannabis enjoys legal recognition in the UK and can be prescribed after the exploration of conventional, licensed medications have failed.
Who possesses the authority to prescribe medical cannabis in the UK?
Only specialist doctors registered on the General Medical Council Specialist Register possess the authorisation to prescribe medical cannabis. Subsequently, once a prescription has been issued, a General Practitioner or another healthcare professional may oversee your care under a documented shared care agreement with the initiating specialist.
Which medical conditions can medical cannabis address?
In the UK, medical cannabis can be prescribed for a wide range of conditions once licensed medications have proven ineffective. Notably, chronic pain, neurological disorders, and psychiatric conditions are among the most commonly prescribed conditions for medical cannabis treatment in the UK.
How can I initiate the process of obtaining a medical cannabis prescription?
To embark on your journey towards securing a medical cannabis prescription, you can conveniently download the Script Assist App.
What are the potential side effects associated with medical cannabis use?
Potential side effects associated with a medical cannabis prescription may encompass dizziness, dry mouth, mood fluctuations, and other similar related effects.
What are the legal consequences of operating a vehicle while under the influence of medical cannabis?
Driving while impaired by medical cannabis is illegal and should never be attempted.
In what forms can medical cannabis be administered?
Medical cannabis can be administered in a variety of forms, including oils, capsules, and vaporised dried flowers. In the UK, the most frequently prescribed products are medical cannabis oil, which is taken orally using a dropper, and medical cannabis flower, which is consumed via vaporisation. Smoking medical cannabis remains illegal and will not be prescribed.
Is it permissible to travel internationally with a medical cannabis prescription?
It is imperative to investigate the legalities surrounding medical cannabis in your destination country, as regulations vary internationally so please do check with the embassy of your destination. If medical cannabis is permissible in your destination country, then you will also require a travel letter from your prescribing doctor giving details of your prescription, as well as a copy of your prescription. Fortunately, your Script Assist Patient App provides access to your medical cannabis prescription, should you require proof of your prescription while travelling.
Can I travel within the UK with my medical cannabis prescription?
With your Script Assist App in hand, you should securely and legally travel within the UK, thanks to easy access to your medical cannabis prescription.
Can medical cannabis guarantee a cure for my medical condition?
It is important to understand that medical cannabis has been reported to improve quality of life symptoms and primarily serves as a tool for managing symptoms rather than providing a cure for underlying medical conditions.
Is it safe to combine medical cannabis with other medications?
For insight into potential interactions between medical cannabis and other medications, please consult your doctor, as cannabis may influence the effectiveness of other drugs.
Is medical cannabis habit-forming?
While the risk of addiction associated with medical cannabis is relatively low, responsible usage as prescribed remains essential.
How should I appropriately store medical cannabis for safety?
To maintain its efficacy and prevent unauthorised access, it is essential to store medical cannabis in a secure, child-proof location, shielded from direct sunlight and moisture.