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Considering Medical Cannabis as an Alternative Multiple Sclerosis Treatment?

Looking to understand possible MS treatment options? Our team explores medical cannabis and connects you to private doctors for fast, efficient medical cannabis prescriptions.

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Multiple Sclerosis treatment is varied, either targeted to manage some of the broad range of symptoms or targeted towards treating the disease itself.

In recent years, there has been a focus on new treatments for multiple sclerosis, and medical cannabis has emerged as an potential treatment option for patients looking to manage the spasms and neuropathic pain associated with disease.

A recent Cochrane Review of evidence highlighted that MS is a medical condition for which medical cannabis was most often used whilst a survey conducted in the UK found that more than one in five people with MS reported they had used medical cannabis to try to manage their symptoms.

Countries such as Canada, large parts of the USA, and Israel have taken a highly progressive attitude to cannabis treatment for multiple sclerosis, and it is prescribed broadly for symptom control in all three countries. In many countries today CBD for muscle spasms is also becoming more broadly considered.

Want to understand more about cannabis as a potential Multiple Sclerosis treatment for symptom management? Want to understand more about medical cannabis and CBD for Multiple Sclerosis?

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at all key areas to make sure that you’re fully clear on cannabis and MS in the UK, including how to connect to a private neurologist that can prescribe for MS today.

Ready to Find a Neurologist That Can Offer Cannabis Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis?

What are the symptoms of MS?    

The symptoms of MS are fairly broad and result from damaged myelin disrupting the flow of information both within and to / from the brain. Symptoms differ from patient to patient, possibly as a result of the location and severity of damage myelin damage, but here are some of the more common symptoms.

  • Fatigue: One of the most commons symptoms, affecting up to around 80% of patients (source: National MS Society). Often feeling fatigued can be highly disruptive to both work and personal life.
  • Numbness or Weakness: Often one of the first symptoms of MS, the feeling of numbness or weakness can often occur in one half of the body at a time.
  • Spasticity: One of the more common symptoms is involuntary muscle movement or spasms, which can occur in any limb but most often in the legs.
  • Walking Difficulties: Due to spasms and muscle weakness, MS also often causes difficulty walking.
  • Problems with Vision: An inflammation of the optic nerve can result in a wide range of eye and vision problems ranging from blurred vision to pain on eye movement.
  • Neuropathic Pain: Sufferers of MS often suffer from chronic neuropathic pain, alongside tingling, burning, or stabbing pain in the face and body.
  • Cognitive Impairment: Approximately half of all people with MS will develop some form of cognitive impairment according to the Alzheimer Society of Canada, including problems with memory loss and problem solving.
  • Mental Health: Sufferers of MS are also prone to feeling depressed, heightened levels of emotional instability and anxiousness.
  • Bladder and Bowel Problems: Common in MS, with many experiencing either or both of bladder and bowel dysfunction.

Patients living with MS will often turn to multiple forms of Multiple Sclerosis treatment, both targeted at the disease itself but also to better manage their symptoms.

For those patients looking for an alternative and natural therapy to manage the symptoms of spasticity and pain from MS, are now able to also consider cannabis multiple sclerosis treatment.

Script Assist provides you the ability to consult with an experienced neurologist and discuss using medical cannabis for symptom control, including using CBD for muscle spasms.

What are the Different Types of MS? 

MS affects everyone differently, but broadly the onset profile of MS can be categorised into four buckets, further complicating Multiple Sclerosis treatment.   

Relapsing-Remitting MS (RRMS): The most common type, involving periods of relapses and remissions. Most people with MS start with this type.

Secondary-Progressive MS (SPMS): In SPMS, there is a gradual worsening of symptoms over time, with or without occasional relapses or remissions.

Primary-Progressive MS (PPMS): In PPMS, symptoms gradually worsen from the beginning, without distinct relapses or remissions. This type is less common.

Progressive-Relapsing MS (PRMS): The least common type. It involves a continuous worsening of symptoms along with occasional relapses.

What are the causes of MS?

Multiple Sclerosis is a complex condition, and there is no single cause. Instead, MS is likely caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors leading to an abnormal immune response. It is this abnormal immune response that Multiple Sclerosis treatments often seek to target.

Genetic factors 

Genetics certainty play a critical role in the ultimate development of MS, although it’s not a single gene responsible for development of the condition. Several different genes, particularly relating to the immune system are thought to contribute to development.

Environmental factors

How prevalent is MS in the UK?

Around 2,500,000 people live with Multiple Sclerosis globally, and around 100,000 in the UK . Such high prevalence rates increase the importance of thoroughly researching all Multiple Sclerosis treatments.

Your risk of MS increases substantially the further away from the equator you live, likely as a result of less sunlight and therefore lower levels of Vitamin D. Prevalence rates in North America and Europe are around 140 per 100,000, versus many countries in Africa and Asia which are closer to 10 in 100,000.

The UK and Scotland in particular has some of the highest prevalence rates in the world, with the Island of Orkney having the single highest prevalence rate globally.

Women are around three times more likely to suffer from MS than men, and this disparity continues to increase according to several studies including “Gender differences in multiple sclerosis: cytokines and vitamin D.”

Recently studies have also show different rates of MS relevant in ethnic communities from differing backgrounds.

“Ethnicity and prevalence of multiple sclerosis in east London,” found that that MS prevalence was considerably lower among Black and South Asian populations, compared to the White population, by 59% and 84%, respectively. However, compared to available data in Africa and South Asia, MS is several times more prevalent among Black people and South Asians living in the United Kingdom than their territorial ancestry.

What are the different types of existing Multiple Sclerosis treatments and therapies used for MS?

Multiple Sclerosis treatment is a broad spectrum of medication and therapies targeted both towards treating the underlying condition and managing its symptoms.

Disease-Modifying Therapies (DMTs):

DMTs are the foundation of Multiple Sclerosis treatment, designed to minimise the number of severity of relapses and slow the overall progression of the condition. These therapies include injectables like interferon beta-1a and beta-1b, oral medications such as fingolimod, and infusions like natalizumab and ocrelizumab.

The choice of DMT as a Multiple Sclerosis treatment depends on several factors, including the type of MS, the severity of symptoms, and the patient’s overall health. The effectiveness and side effects of these Multiple Sclerosis treatments, necessitating personalised treatment plans.

Symptomatic Treatments:

MS symptoms like muscle spasticity, pain, fatigue, and bladder problems are managed through various Multiple Sclerosis treatments. Baclofen and tizanidine are commonly used for spasticity, while pain is often treated with neuropathic pain medications like gabapentin.

Fatigue may be managed with amantadine or modafinil. Bladder dysfunction is typically treated with anticholinergic medications.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM):

Many patients with MS explore CAM therapies alongside conventional Multiple Sclerosis treatments. CAMs include dietary modifications, such as a low-fat diet and omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, which some studies suggest may have beneficial effects (Yadav et al., 2010).

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation:

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in managing MS, alongside Multiple Sclerosis treatments. It helps maintain mobility, reduce muscle stiffness, and improve overall physical function. Rehabilitation programs are tailored to individual needs and may include exercises, stretching, and gait training (Stoll, 2012).

What are the different types of medical cannabis used for Multiple Sclerosis?

Medical cannabis, including CBD for muscle spasms, is fast becoming a topic of interest for those seeking alternative Multiple Sclerosis treatments.

Before we dive into the different types of medical cannabis used for Multiple Sclerosis, lets quickly covered the basics of medical cannabis.

Cannabis contains two primary compounds

  • Cannabidiol (CBD): Non-psychoactive
  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): Main psychoactive compound

In addition, the plant contains hundreds of other active compounds, terpenes and flavonoids. See our Detailed Guide (include page link to our detailed guide page) for all the details.

Medical cannabis can either be taken in its “whole plant” formor in its “isolated” form.

  • Whole Plant / Full Spectrum: Patient either vapes flower or takes an oral tincture containing a “full spectrum” extract from the plant containing all active ingredients.
  • Isolate: Patient takes either an oil or a spray containing a specific mix of CBD and THC, although this contains none of the other hundreds of active chemicals in the cannabis plant.

Adult patient demand globally is often for Whole Plant / Full Spectrum medical cannabis products, as demonstrated by the overall size of the Whole Plant / Full Spectrum market versus the Isolate market.

Interestingly, a 50% / 50% CBD / THC Isolate in an Oromucosal Spray called nabiximols is licensed for sale in the UK by the MHRA, and sometimes available on the NHS as a Multiple Sclerosis treatment.  

Whilst this product has blazed the trail in demonstrating than cannabinoids can be effective in managing some of the symptoms of MS, potential limitations have been highlighted.

While nabiximols has been effective for many in managing MS-related spasticity, its efficacy varies. Some patients do not experience significant relief from symptoms (Russo, 2015).

Furthermore, it’s often considered expensive when not available on the NHS, particularly when compared to Whole Plant / Full Spectrum cannabis treatment for multiple sclerosis. According to the MS Society, “Right now, some people with MS are having to choose between living with excruciating spasms or paying as much as £500 a month for a private [nabiximols] prescription – it costs the NHS under £300 to provide the same dose.”

What evidence exists for cannabis treatment for Multiple Sclerosis?

Those asking what is the best treatment for Multiple Sclerosis often search for new treatments for Multiple Sclerosis.

A rapidly emerging body of evidence around Multiple Sclerosis and medical cannabis is now demonstrating some of the benefits that this potentially new treatment for Multiple Sclerosis may hold.

It’s worth mentioning that much of the data available today has been collected either only on nabiximols or on other Isolate based products. The ability to assess the different efficacy levels between Whole Plant / Full Spectrum versus Isolate medical cannabis products is extremely limited.

However, our review of the available research data on medical cannabis and multiple sclerosis demonstrates a rapidly emerging field, and one that may hold a great deal of promise for sufferers seeking a new treatment for multiple sclerosis.

“Cannabis and cannabinoids for symptomatic treatment for people with multiple sclerosis”

A recent Cochrane Review of evidence included thirteen studies on nabiximols, seven on synthetic THC, two on Whole Plant / Full Spectrum cannabis taken orally, one on Whole Plant / Full Spectrum inhaled cannabis, one on a synthetic THC isolate, one on a natural THC isolate and one comparing inhaled Whole Plant / Full Spectrum cannabis, dronabinol and placebo.

The findings from the Cochrane Review are interesting both for those seeking a licensed cannabis spray for multiple sclerosis and those seeking Whole Plant / Full Spectrum medical cannabis.

  • MS is one of the five medical conditions for which cannabis is most often used whilst in the UK more than one in five people with MS reported they had used cannabis to try to manage their symptoms.
  • Cannabinoids probably increase the number of people who report an important reduction of perceived severity of spasticity for up to 14 weeks (evidence from five studies in 1143 people).
  • Cannabinoids probably increase the number of people who report an important reduction of perceived severity of chronic neuropathic pain, but the evidence is very uncertain (evidence from one study in 48 people).
  • Probably increase the number of people who perceive their well-being as ‘very much’ or ‘much’ improved. (evidence from eight studies in 1215 people).

“Cannabis, pain, and sleep: lessons from therapeutic clinical trials of Sativex, a cannabis-based medicine”

The findings from this review of clinical trials conducted on nabiximols, covering 2000 subjects with 1000 patient years of exposure, provides additional data supporting the use of cannabis for multiple sclerosis patients. The study found

  • Marked improvement in subjective sleep parameters in patients with a wide variety of pain conditions including multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathic pain, intractable cancer pain, and rheumatoid arthritis, with an acceptable adverse event profile.
  • No tolerance to the benefit of Sativex on pain or sleep, nor need for dosage increases have been noted in safety extension studies of up to four years, wherein 40-50% of subjects attained good or very good sleep quality, a key source of disability in chronic pain syndromes that may contribute to patients’ quality of life.

“Smoked cannabis for spasticity in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial”

This study was a placebo-controlled, crossover trial involving 37 adult patients with multiple sclerosis and spasticity and the results add to the evidence base supporting cannabis for multiple sclerosis in the UK as a viable alternative therapy.

  • Treatment with smoked cannabis resulted in a reduction in patient scores on the modified Ashworth scale by an average of 2.74 points more than placebo.
  • Treatment reduced pain scores on a visual analogue scale by an average of 5.28 points more than placebo.
  • No serious adverse events occurred during the trial.

“Effectiveness and Safety of Cannabinoids as an Add-On Therapy in the Treatment of Resistant Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review”

This study was a review of literature about the effectiveness of cannabis treatment for multiple sclerosis in patients with insufficient response to first-line Multiple Sclerosis treatments and covered five medium high-quality articles all evaluating the effectiveness of the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) spray, demonstrating more research should be undertaken on cannabis for multiple sclerosis patients.

  • Treatment improved patient-related spasticity scales by up to 45%.
  • Discontinuation rate of around 40% due to ineffectiveness and side effects.
  • Adverse effects are mild to moderate, with a 17% incidence rate, decreasing over time.

“The Perceived Effects of Smoked Cannabis on Patients with Multiple Sclerosis”

One of the earliest pieces of research on cannabis for Multiple Sclerosis in the UK was a questionnaire on cannabis and Multiple Sclerosis answered by 53 & 59 UK patients and US patients respectively.

  • From 97% of subjects to 30% of subjects, all of whom had specific therapeutic reasons for smoking cannabis, saw improvement across the different symptoms surveyed
  • Symptom improvement (ranked in descending order) was seen across spasticity, chronic pain of extremities, acute paroxysmal phenomenon, tremor, emotional dysfunction, anorexia/weight loss, fatigue states, double vision, sexual dysfunction, bowel and bladder dysfunctions, vision dimness, dysfunctions of walking and balance, and memory loss.

“Patterns of Medical Cannabis Use among Patients Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis”

As part of this study, 115 subjects completed a survey queried aspects of their use of cannabis, including frequency of use, effect on symptoms, and changes in their use of prescription medication. The results of this study provide further data supporting cannabis multiple sclerosis treatment.

  • General benefit from cannabis use was reported for mood disorders, insomnia, sensory symptoms, including pain, and muscle cramps and spasms.
  • Benefit was also significantly associated with symptom severity in the case of insomnia, and cramps and spasms.
  • A significant proportion of respondents had stopped or reduced prescription medications as a function of finding cannabis more effective than prescription medications. These included opioids, benzodiazepines, muscle relaxers and other pain medications.

How can Script Assist help you?

Script Assist can connect you to a private doctor that can prescribe cannabis for multiple sclerosis in the UK and ensure that you have a seamless experience.  

  • Easily find a Neurologist that can prescribe cannabis treatment for Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Simply book, pay & join a consultation through the Script Assist App.
  • Effortlessly make payment for your medical cannabis through the Script Assist App.
  • Seamlessly track your medical cannabis prescription every step of the way
  • Simply request and pay for your monthly repeat request through the Script Assist App.
  • Pay by 3pm for next-day delivery before 1pm Monday-Saturday.

Frequently asked Questions

An online platform enabling medical cannabis prescribing from any private setting

  • The best treatment for Multiple Sclerosis varies by individual but typically involves a combination of disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) to slow disease progression and symptomatic treatments for relief.
  • DMTs include injectables, oral medications, and infusions tailored to the patient’s MS type and health.
  • Symptomatic treatments manage issues like spasticity and pain, while medical cannabis may help with spasticity and pain management.
  • A personalised approach, possibly incorporating physical therapy and lifestyle changes, is key to managing Multiple Sclerosis effectively

CBD has been explored for its potential in managing various medical conditions, including muscle spasms and review by Shafik Boyaji et al., highlights the assessment of CBD’s efficacy in chronic pain management, which indirectly addresses CBD for muscle spasms.

  • Absolutely not! CBD Oil, nor any medicinal cannabis prescription can be described as a miracle for Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Much of the current data and evidence relating to medical cannabis and multiple sclerosis is referenced in the above article.

CBD is a single compound in the cannabis plant, and all CBD is therefore created equally! Those looking for the best CBD oil for Multiple Sclerosis should make sure that they consult with a specialist neurologist rather than buying consumer CBD oil, which is not a medical product!

Those looking for the best CBD oil for Multiple Sclerosis should make sure that they connect with a specialist neurologist to ensure that that they are taking medical cannabis oil for Multiple Sclerosis rather than a consumer product.

There isn’t enough data to clearly state the best medical cannabis for Multiple Sclerosis, although you should connect with a Neurologist to discuss this further!

To discuss the best strain for Multiple Sclerosis, you should connect with a Neurologist experienced in medical cannabis for Multiple Sclerosis.

Most of the data collected on medical cannabis for Multiple Sclerosis is either on blends of both THC and CBD or on Whole Plant / Full Spectrum products which contain both THC and CBD.